Clinical Laboratory Science CPU
In the Clinical Laboratory Science CPU, students perform classroom laboratory activities and apply knowledge and skills in a health care diagnostic setting. Collecting, labeling, and processing of artificial samples of body fluids and tissues for laboratory assessment are performed by the students. All activities guide students through safe and appropriate use of equipment and supplies, as outlined by the standards of the health care profession.

Featured Careers
- Medical laboratory technician
- Clinical laboratory scientist
Skill Development
Health Science Skills
- Anatomy and physiology
- Laboratory safety concepts
- Mathematical principles
- Determine proper phlebotomy procedures
- Blood typing using simulated blood samples
- Genetic engineering principles and procedures
Academic Skills
- Reading
- Writing
- History
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics - conversions, averaging, statistics
- Genetics
- Biology
What's Included
- DEPCO's Clinical Laboratory Science courseware CD
- Laboratory procedures textbook
- Phlebotomy textbook
- Genetics software
- Viruses software
- Microscope
- Simulated blood typing kit and refills
- Simulate urinalysis kit
- Lab coats
- Blood smear slide
- Sickle cell slide
- Microcentrifuge tubes
- Tonsil slide
- pH test strips
- DNA replication and transcription construction set
- Venipuncture trainer
- Beakers
- Miscellaneous materials and consumables
- Instructor's Overview
- DEPCO Studio Media Player
Ordering Information
Clinical Laboratory Science - HS1053
CPU Objectives